Sasha Medina Creative


During my time as a communications coordinator at the South Alamo Regional Alliance for the Homeless, I collaborated on creating this podcast series for Hunger and Homelessness Awareness Week 2020. This was a meaningful project that I’m grateful to have been a part of because of the awareness that was raised for youth and young adults experiencing hunger and/or homelessness in San Antonio and Bexar County.

PSA on Mental Health Awareness

Using effects in ProTools, I created this public service announcement because raising awareness about mental health is important to me. For this story, I tried to keep it close to the reality of what someone living with a mental health condition may experience in their minds as a way to create an understanding of this struggle.

NPR-style Story: Banned Books Week

Hearing people open up about banned books and why they think some subjects should or shouldn’t be banned was an insightful project. Being a student at that time and a fan of classic literature, the topic of censorship always intrigued me and how controversial literature can impact what is learned in certain institutions.